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Start a choir in

your municipality!


A typical choir-practise

Choir practice will be like a charging station

 - with an exciting repertoire of new and old songs. 


A Sing yourself well choir have one or more regular, weekly, daytime rehearsals. We practice for about 2 hours each time, and the repertoire will consist of both well-known and lesser-known songs. 


The choir will sing both in unison and in harmony and often with a pianist, but also ”singback”. The conductor, pianist and singers will work with musical exercises, techniques and a repertoire.


Learning, mastery and facilitating

The goal is make room for coping and creating enjoyment, and in the process, meet the different situations and needs that the participants face in their lives. 

”SingYourself Well” is planned to be an arena for developing, 

coping and learning. Finding a suitable repertoire, experiencing a level of professional singing and setting constructive goals are 

central to success. 


The purpose will be to learn to know ones own voice, and to develop this through working with voice production, breathing, heart rate and rhythm. Transport and other formal arrangements for taking care of the members are also important factors. Through the choir the 

participants will learn something new; experience self development, feel safer and become more confident in what they are asked to do.


Collaboration and financing

Målet er å tilrettelegge for mestring og trivsel, og på den måten imøtekomme deltakernes ulike livssituasjoner og behov. 

Syng deg friskere skal være en arena for utvikling, mestring og 

læring. Å finne riktig repertoar, sangfaglig nivå og konstruktive målsettinger er sentrale faktorer for å lykkes. Målet er å bli kjent med egen stemme, og utvikle denne gjennom å jobbe med stemmebruk, pust, puls og rytme. 

Det er også viktig å legge til rette for transport og oppfølging. 

Gjennom koret lærer man noe nytt; man utvikler deg, blir tryggere, og kan få nye tiltrodde oppgaver.

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